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Race for Bastogne printable planning map playing as Axis

Race for Bastogne printable planning map playing as Axis

This is a large printable map for the Race for Bastogne scenario when playing as the Axis side, to help in the planning stage of the scenario.

It includes instructions for printing. The objectives are marked on the map in yellow. I have made the HQ units stand out by reducing the opacity of the subordinates.

Adobe DC (the reader you are probably using to display this pdf) has basic drawing tools in the comments section of the toolbar. These include arrows and other shapes that can be used to draw straight onto the pdf, rather than printing it out, if you prefer.
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Last update
5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

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  1. Added OOB and Operational overlay

    Added another map with OOB, operational overlay and reinforcements.

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Great job!
Excellent work
Very useful resource!