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Command Ops 2, Return to St Vith Tutorial AAR part 1, pages 1-30

Command Ops 2, Return to St Vith Tutorial AAR part 1, pages 1-30

This is an AAR based tutorial covering the first 24 hours of the fictional Return to St Vith Tutorial scenario for the Command Ops 2 computer game.
Hope you enjoy reading it.
Return-to-St-Vith-Part 1-page-2.jpg
First release
Last update
4.94 star(s) 18 ratings

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  1. Two more pages and corrected some errors.

    Added two pages that were not included in the last pdf, but have been on the forum for a while...

Latest reviews

This resource raised my understanding of the game and it's possibilities to a new level of sophistication.Thank you.
Such an outstanding and creative piece of work. Thank you!
Awesome. Inspirational for my own AAR's
I have been waiting for ages just to get permission to post here. I can't tell you how grateful I am for this brilliant tutorial. I am so impressed by the way it was put together. It has inspired me to play again. It shows a way to approach the game that makes it even more rewarding than I ever imagined. I have posted this on my blog and hope it reaches out to all the new players we get from the Steam release. Thanks again!!
Awesome Tutorial!
This is so beautiful I'm not sure I want to sully the experience by trying to play along with my inexperience. :) Definitely need to read this a few times, thanks for sharing!
One of the best looking presentations that I've ever seen, professional or otherwise. I'm really enjoying it a lot and would give 6 stars if it were an option.
Excellent work.
Thank you so much for this. This is greatly helping me in giving the game a try.