Missing Panels


Hello all...

I've just come back to the game after not playing for some time. I've purchased all the DLC's, standalone, then registered them all on Steam so that I can try to play with the latest build.

My problem: when I loaded up the game, about half of my game panels were missing; not clicked off, but not showing up on any of my 3 monitors. I have managed to recover them all, after plugging/unplugging the monitors and resetting my main display... some showed up on one monitor or another, but were half off of the top of the screen with no way to drag them about. It took about 15-20 minutes of climbing down on my aging, aching knees to unplug/plug the screens, of opening/closing/reopening the game, etc.

I'm hoping someone can direct me to an easier way to keep all of the panels available the next time I fire up what is still one of the top 3 wargames out there.

Help, anyone?


Not sure this is the case but oftentimes at startup after an install the panels are populated one on top of the other so it looks like they are missing, but just need to me moved to another part of the screen.


Thanks for the replies, though neither of these were the issue. I had opened all panels , but several were just not showing. I got them back by disconnecting all but one of my monitors, then moved all of them to the center of the remaining screen.
Thanks for the replies, though neither of these were the issue. I had opened all panels , but several were just not showing. I got them back by disconnecting all but one of my monitors, then moved all of them to the center of the remaining screen.
You're issue may be with the dpi scaling for fonts. Increasing the size of fonts above 100% causes problems with the graphical interface and distorts text and information boxes.

There was a discussion in 2019 regarding two monitors:
